Friday, November 21, 2014


I recently made a new visit to my favorite farm in the Northern part of Florida. This time, I made a new friend. His name is Mr. Tweet. A almost two year old Turkey :) He has the most beautiful colors in his feathers - May he live for many, many more years to come! :)
I also visited a HUGE outdoor Antique Show and made a few new acquisitions to my collection.
I promise to share some of them for my Christmas BLOG.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you out there



Monday, November 17, 2014


I had to share these photos from another successful Halloween event.
We had a lot of trick-or-treaters this year!!
It was a lot of fun decorating and we had a fabulous time.
I made a family photo stand for families to gather around - hoping everyone
got some great family photos done.
Already looking forward to the next!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I like to customize my own Halloween interiors, using things that I have collected throughout the years. I simply add my fun things to the décor that I already have. This way, I spruce it up a bit for the holidays. I really doesn’t take much to get in the spirit. Just surround your area with some pumpkins
And some items of your choice, and you’ve added a touch of subtle festivities to your room.

Have fun decorating!!


Thursday, October 23, 2014

HALLOWEEN - My favorite holiday is here!

Jack-o-lanterns! Spider webs! Spooky witches! My neighborhood has already
started the Halloween festivities: Our block is bordering on a haunted house
these days. There are so many great ways to get in the Halloween spirit
through decorating. It's also a great opportunity to get creative and make
some green choices by trying out fun recycled crafts, using every part of
the pumpkin, and looking for sustainable decorations that can become a
Halloween tradition. Get your home ready for Halloween, I promise you; it is
so much fun!! 
Here are some of my Halloween decorations, both inside and outside.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014




I always feel inspired after visiting new scenery. Every summer, I travel to Norway to visit family and friends. This time a friend of mine showed
me her true roots from their family's farm land. It is located only a few steps away from where she lives, so you can only imagine the daily beauty they are surrounded by. This very old farm house was used as a place to stay while hey at the same time took care of all the animals on their farm. Cows, goats and sheep with their lambs. The families got together for meals at the end of a long day of work. Inside is a GORGEOUS fireplace and the most fantastic farm table. Unfortunately, I didn't get to take a photo of the inside - however, I am happy I was able to climb up and open the latches in front of the windows. WOW what history and what a beauty! I had to share this beautiful and inspirational day!!