Tuesday, September 9, 2014




I always feel inspired after visiting new scenery. Every summer, I travel to Norway to visit family and friends. This time a friend of mine showed
me her true roots from their family's farm land. It is located only a few steps away from where she lives, so you can only imagine the daily beauty they are surrounded by. This very old farm house was used as a place to stay while hey at the same time took care of all the animals on their farm. Cows, goats and sheep with their lambs. The families got together for meals at the end of a long day of work. Inside is a GORGEOUS fireplace and the most fantastic farm table. Unfortunately, I didn't get to take a photo of the inside - however, I am happy I was able to climb up and open the latches in front of the windows. WOW what history and what a beauty! I had to share this beautiful and inspirational day!!


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