Tuesday, August 27, 2013


The Lights of My Life

I stumbled over these lanterns in Rhode Island years and years ago. They, like some of my other nik-naks, traveled along with me until I finally found THE spot for them both; one in the living room and one the front porch.
These lanterns were originally hanging in an old, large sail boat in New England. I removed the wick as well as the oil, because it smelled awful! Now I put regular tea candles inside and light them up for some ambiance.
Lighting is extremely important in not only defining a space but also creating the atmosphere of the room. Lights can emphasize your art, create a quiet reading corner, or lead you down a hall way. Lighting can make the room feel loud and awake or soft and hushed. How do you decorate using lighting in your home? Are you a bare-minimum-over-head-light kind of designer or are you a fear-my-electric-bill illuminator?

1 comment:

  1. Love using a black light in my side floor lamp coupled with candles in my living room for a romantic feel when I want to wind down after work. :)

    LOVE the post & the lanterns!

    xo, Athena
