Thursday, August 1, 2013

Girl's Day

Excuse us. We are having a spa day.

I got such joy out of this little play date with Barbie dolls. Today I was feeling very girly and silly with my daughter, Sofie, and set up the house accordingly. Letting her help me design a little area helps her to feel a sense of ownership and importance. Now, we walk by this corner and smile. It likely won't stay this way for long but that's really the point. I like to change certain spaces constantly. This keeps our home fluid and current. I can be often caught changing things on a whim based on my mood that day. I enjoy acting on sudden spontaneous inspiration. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. 

Silly additions, personal pictures, inside jokes, and children's art make this house a home. 

My little Sofie. She's 7 years old, imaginative, addicted to chocolate milk, and a giggle factory.

1 comment:

  1. Cute Sofie! <3
    Love your blog, Linn! :-)
    Hugs, Petra
