Monday, August 5, 2013

Picture Frame

Pretty as a Picture

Believe it or not, this is a cabinet that I reused from an outdoor planters table (See post about the table here). I wish I had a picture of the table in it's original glory because to be honest, it was hideous!! This cabinet door was originally dark green. I repainted it blue first and then white. I almost removed the chicken wire from the frame and I'm so glad I didn't because it looks really pretty as a background to the little trinkets I tied on. After toying with where to place it inside the house, it's final resting place became the outdoor shed this summer. I painted the upper shed door (it's a dutch door, aka stable door) blue for contrast. I'm so much happier with this shed now that I have jazzed it up a little with a few decorations. It matches the feel of the summer house now; breezy, cottage-y, and pretty.
Do you have something in your house that you moved around 100 times before finding it's perfect spot?

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